Post-Operative Care for Humerus Fracture

Post-Operative Care for Humerus Fracture

After the effects of Anesthesia:

  • It is likely that you feel a little off for 1 day or 2 after the Humerus Fracture surgery. During that time, you shouldn’t drink alcoholic beverages, make any significant decisions or involve in any potentially hazardous activities. It’s very common to be a little nauseated, and you should initiate with a light, low-fat diet until your appetite restores.

Wound Care:

  • It’s not uncommon for some blood to show through on the dressing. If bleeding seems to be ongoing after the first twelve hours and the area is larger than 2 inches or so, it would be advisable to seek medical help.
  • The dressing should cover the wounds and support the ARM but shouldn’t feel overly tight or uncomfortable. If it seems so tight, you may loosen it yourself if you’re comfortable with that. If not, seek help from the doctor.
  • The sling is for your comfort. It’s okay to remove it and move your wrist, elbow, and hand as desired.
  • The dressing may be removed in 2 days and reapply to utilize 4 x 4 sterile gauze and micropore tape.

Pain Management:

  • A long-acting local anesthetic is injected into the arm after Humerus fracture surgery and often wears off 6 to 12 hours later but can last as much as 36 hours. The surgeons use orthopedic implants to perform surgery, which is provided by orthopedic implant manufacturers in India.
  • The interval for taking pain medicines should be as advised by the Doctor and in no case should you take a higher dose than advised. You can take the medicine less frequently than on the prescription if you aren’t in pain.

This medicine should be taken to relieve pain, not for its prevention. You shouldn’t set your alarm clock to remind you to take your pain medicine, nor should you take it on a set schedule, even if you’re not hurting, as this may result in overdosing on the medication.



  • The elevation is the best method to decrease your pain and swelling. The best method to elevate at night is to hug a pillow and utilize it to keep your wrist elevated.


  • You aren’t to use your injured arm to carry or lift anything heavier than a cup of coffee. It’s okay to move your arm and your shoulder immediately. One of the goals of surgery is to enable you to work on getting your shoulder again moving. Surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon using orthopedic instruments.


  • If your car has an automatic transmission, you can drive in case of an emergency with a hand after consulting the Doctor.
  • You should be mechanically able to do the things required to drive. We can’t tell you what would happen if you did something that hurt and result in your losing concentration. You must take your own judgment to know whether you are safe to drive.
  • You can’t drive if you’re taking narcotic medications for relieving your pain.


  • It is a must to have a check-up after Humerus fracture surgery by treating a Surgeon.

Reasons to Call/ Contact Doctor: (Please measure with an oral thermometer)

  • Fever greater than 101.5. (It’s very common to have a low-grade fever the first night or second after surgery)
  • Swelling or redness that is spreading from the edges of the incisions.
  • Pain that is out of control or worsening and not relieved by elevation, rest, ice, and pain medicines.
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain.